Papa Francesco: “tutti abbiano un piccolo Vangelo e lo portino sempre con sé”
Papa Francesco: “tutti abbiano un piccolo Vangelo e lo portino sempre con sé”
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“We share a common future and face urgent challenges that we can only overcome together. We owe it to our citizens to build a future of peace and prosperity, based on shared principles and values, and common interests”. The summit between the EU and the Western Balkans, which took place in Brussels yesterday, in the run-up to today’s European Council meeting, ended with the “Brussels Declaration”, a text over ten pages long, confirming the Balkan countries’ road towards accession to the European Union. “The future of the Western Balkans is in our Union. We once again reconfirm our full and unequivocal commitment to the European Union membership perspective of the Western Balkans”. The text lays down a number of preliminary principles then delves into concrete issues such as economy, transport, climate action, security, migration.
The post EU-Balkans: Brussels Declaration. “We share a common future, urgent challenges to be overcome together” first appeared on AgenSIR. Fonte: AgensirPapa Francesco: “tutti abbiano un piccolo Vangelo e lo portino sempre con sé”
Papa Francesco: “tutti abbiamo un piccolo Vangelo e leggetelo durante la giornata”
Papa Francesco: “abbiate un piccolo Vangelo e leggetelo durante la giornata”
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