Diocesi: Monreale, dal 6 dicembre, a Terrasini, la XIII edizione della mostra dei presepi
Diocesi: Monreale, dal 6 dicembre, a Terrasini, la XIII edizione della mostra dei presepi
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The EU supports Ukraine in many ways, and at the first “European Union – Ukraine Investment Conference” which opened today in Warsaw, the EU launched a Call for Expression of Interest to mobilise private EU investment in critical areas. The aim is “to support the rebuilding efforts”. The proposals submitted by 1 March 2025 will be reviewed and connected to the investment projects funded under the Ukraine Investment Framework, worth €50 billion. “Ukraine’s reconstruction requires both public funding and partnerships with the private sector”, explained Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi. “By bringing these efforts together, we can maximise investment, and support the country’s recovery and gradual integration into the EU Single Market”. The conference, which will end tomorrow, takes place in the framework of the 4th ReBuild Ukraine International Exhibition, which brought together more than 5,000 participants from Ukraine, the EU, and other countries in the Polish capital to mobilise private investment towards Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction, and modernisation.
Fonte: AgensirDiocesi: Monreale, dal 6 dicembre, a Terrasini, la XIII edizione della mostra dei presepi
Violenza: Centro accoglienza San Vincenzo Cagliari, parte lo sportello “Oltre il buio… la speranza”
Diocesi: Brescia, sabato tavola rotonda “Monteverdi nel duomo di Brescia. Partiture antiche ed esecuzioni moderne”
Tags: Agensir