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There are about 4.2 million Ukrainians escaped from the war who live in the EU with temporary protected status. Updated as of September 30th, such figure was posted earlier today by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union. Nearly 27% of them are in Germany (1,129,335 people), 23.3% in Poland (979,835). In Italy, there are 166,785 people living with such status. Compared with the population of each country, though, the proportion per one thousand people is highest in the Czech Republic (34.7), in Lithuania (28.1) and in Poland (26.8), which have far higher numbers than the European average of 9.3 per one thousand people (in Italy, the proportion is 2.83 per one thousand people). Over 4 million of them, 98.3% of temporary protection beneficiaries, were Ukrainian nationals, 45% were women, 32.3% were children, and 22.7% of the total were man. Enforced by Council’s decision in March 2022, the Council decided to extend the option to receive temporary protected status in connection with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine until March 2026.
Fonte: Agensir