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Austria: towards the European elections. Mgr Zsifkovics (Eisenstadt), “voting for a common Europe, a path that has a future”

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The Bishop of Eisenstadt, Mgr Ägidius Zsifkovics, has called on Austrians to exercise their right to vote in the European elections on 9 June and back pro-European forces. Two church newspapers “Der Sonntag” (Archdiocese of Vienna) and “Martinus” (Diocese of Eisenstadt), together with the Catholic radio station of Vienna “Radio Klassik Stephansdom” and the Catholic news agency Kathpress, interviewed Mgr Zsifkovics on current European issues. The prelate is responsible for European affairs at the Austrian Bishops’ Conference (ÖBK) and the Commission of the Episcopates of the European Union (COMECE). In the interview, he spoke, among other things, about the upcoming elections: “If nationalism is on the rise, then we should think outside the box and vote for a common Europe, because this is a path that has a future”. “I can only ask you, once again, not to stay at home and, despite all the criticism and the imperfection of the European Union, to go to the polls and vote for Europe”.

Fonte: Agensir

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