Avvenire di Calabria

Council of Europe: Mgr Gallagher (Holy See) to Committee of Ministers, “European project is for peace and solidarity”

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“The Holy See has been closely following the process of European integration since the foundation of this Organisation, expressing its deep interest in its work as a peace project with the ideal of an inclusive process of growth inspired by a spirit of participation and solidarity”. Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, said this in his address to the annual session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, of which the Holy See is an Observer Member, which was held in Strasbourg today. Mgr Gallagher referred to the “prolonged conflict between Russia and Ukraine”, recalling the Holy See’s “humanitarian commitment” to facilitating the return of Ukrainian children to their country, and reiterated “solidarity and prayers for the Ukrainian population”. The Archbishop also referred to the new Convention on Artificial Intelligence, adopted today, saying: as Pope Francis said, it is necessary not only to prevent harmful practices, but also to encourage good practices and to help put an end to wars and conflicts and alleviate so many forms of suffering. Finally, Mgr Gallagher expressed the Holy See’s commitment “to continuous and fruitful cooperation with the Council of Europe” and the conviction “that multilateralism can and must be renewed, particularly by paying particular attention to the inviolability of the dignity of every human person and to universal human rights”. Mgr Gallagher concluded by expressing the hope that the 75th anniversary of the CoE “will be an opportunity to highlight the crucial role of this Council in contributing to the lasting peace so necessary for this beloved Europe”.

Fonte: Agensir

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