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Eurobarometer: public opinion in favour of more active EU role in crisis management

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A new Flash Eurobarometer survey published today reveals that Europeans want the EU to play a greater role in responding to future cross-border crises. “A vast majority of respondents favour a more active role for the EU in crisis management, in a combined effort with national authorities”, the survey reads. “It highlights a clear desire for a stronger and more resilient EU in the face of future challenges in safeguarding European citizens”. A majority of respondents (54%) feel the EU “is better prepared to deal with major crises today than five years ago. 87% are aware that the European Union is involved in dealing with crises”. “The results suggest confidence in the EU’s ability to address future challenges and a call for a greater role for the EU in crisis management. This includes a call for a more active role in providing timely information and guidance to citizens in the event of a major crisis. Over 80% of respondents “totally agree” or “tend to agree” that the EU should be more involved in preparedness efforts for future crises, through actions such as raising awareness, and organising training and crisis simulation exercises.

Fonte: Agensir

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