Giubileo 2025: festival “Filmikon” fa tappa a Roma. Cineconcerto alla basilica dei Santi XII Apostoli
Giubileo 2025: festival “Filmikon” fa tappa a Roma. Cineconcerto alla basilica dei Santi XII Apostoli
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During the plenary session in Brussels to commemorate the Holocaust, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, went on to address the guest, Irene Shashar, a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto and the Nazi extermination, saying: “we are honoured to have you here in the European Parliament […] although, dear Irene, none of us can fathom the extent of the pain that you suffered”. “We will listen to your story as a hidden child during the war – with nothing but your beloved doll Laleczka as your sole companion – and we will take your lessons with us. We will remember”.
“On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we recall the importance of sharing stories like yours, today and for generations to follow. Of protecting our values. The story of Europe is one of ideals and of values. It is one of overcoming tragedy. Of building bridges between peoples. Of turning enemies into partners and friends. Of building from the ashes”.
The president went on to point out: “over the years, our Union has transformed the lives of millions. We tore down barriers and we replaced them with common values. We achieved freedom, guaranteed prosperity and provided opportunities. We must continue to remember Europe’s story, to remember its horrors and to treasure its accomplishments in overcoming them. To understand where we came from and why, and to teach these lessons to our children”.
The post Remembrance Day: Metsola (EU Parliament), “building bridges between peoples, turning enemies into friends” first appeared on AgenSIR.
Giubileo 2025: festival “Filmikon” fa tappa a Roma. Cineconcerto alla basilica dei Santi XII Apostoli
Diocesi: Lamezia, domani un convegno sul dramma della solitudine
Salesiani: il 25 gennaio l’insediamento del nuovo ispettore in Sicilia, don Domenico Saraniti
Tags: Agensir