Diocesi: Termoli-Larino, aperto l’ottobre missionario
Diocesi: Termoli-Larino, aperto l’ottobre missionario
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“Fundamental to our Christian faith is the belief that we are all a pilgrim people on our journey to our true homeland. God is with us and we travel together. Migrants and refugees are also a pilgrim people, looking for a place to settle, where they can live in peace with their families. And God walks with them. I wish to thank all of you in parishes and communities who are providing support and welcome to migrants and refugees who reach our shores”, said Paul McAleenan, lead bishop for migration issues for the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, recalling the warm welcome given by so many English Catholic parishes and families to those who escaped war and persecution and reached the UK in search of a safe haven. The message was disseminated by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales to mark the World Day of Migrants and Refugees which will be celebrated next Sunday, 29 September. “Surely through your actions, migrants and refugees who experience such hospitality can more easily believe that God is with them”, Bishop Paul McAleenan went on to say, suggesting that English Catholic parishes may hold short prayer vigils next Sunday or offer reflections on a Scripture passage which recounts how God accompanied His people on their journey through the desert.
Fonte: AgensirDiocesi: Termoli-Larino, aperto l’ottobre missionario
Tv2000: il 6 ottobre parte la nuova stagione di Soul. Francesco Profumo ospite della prima puntata
Conferenze episcopali regionali: Abruzzo-Molise, domani ad Atri convegno dei catechisti sull’essere testimoni e comunicatori della bellezza del Vangelo
Tags: Agensir