Sudan: Unicef, oltre tre milioni di bambini a rischio colera e altre malattie mortali
Sudan: Unicef, oltre tre milioni di bambini a rischio colera e altre malattie mortali
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The Catholic prize against racism and xenophobia 2025 was presented today. The German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) and the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZDK) will award the sixth edition of the prize on 6 May 2025. Questions and suggestions can be submitted to the Secretariat of the German Bishops’ Conference until 21 November 2024. The prize, which was first awarded in 2015, is aimed at individuals, groups and organisations who, on the basis of their Catholic faith, are committed to fighting xenophobia and racism in Germany or play a key role in ecumenical or social initiatives against racism. Irme Stetter-Karp, ZDK President and co-chair of the jury, said: “The results of the recent regional elections in Thuringia and Saxony show that racism included in parties’ programmes is not an exclusion criterion for an increasing number of eligible voters going to the polls. Our commitment to human dignity in politics and society is therefore more important than ever”. The President of the Migration Commission of the German Bishops’ Conference and co-chair of the jury, Archbishop Stefan Hesse of Hamburg, reiterated that “racism causes people to suffer every day, in words and actions. With their declaration against ethnic nationalism in February 2024, the German Bishops sent a clear signal against hatred and incitement. Racist ideologies have no place in the Church! We are grateful that many people are fighting racism inspired by their faith. We want to strengthen this commitment and make it visible with the prize”. Stetter-Karp recalled that “with this prize, we want to focus on those who, from a Christian standpoint, stand up against rampant racism and xenophobia. What they do takes courage, creativity and heart. That is what matters”. In this round of applications, special attention is given to the commitment of young people, for whom a special prize is offered: “In recent years, we have been very impressed by the creativity of schools and youth associations. We therefore encourage young people, especially young adults, to apply with their commitment”, said the two presidents of the jury.
Fonte: AgensirSudan: Unicef, oltre tre milioni di bambini a rischio colera e altre malattie mortali
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Tags: Agensir